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Days and Dates

Dates and times are recorded using the typical notation of Astrology, indicating the apparent positions of the Sun and Moon in the tropical zodiac. The day of the week is recorded in Latin. The latin (Roman) days of the week are:


The more precisely the apparent solar and lunar positions are noted, the more precisely the date and time will be known. The Moon takes about 2.3 days to move through a zodiacal sign. Simply recording the signs that the Sun and Moon are in will therefore only describe a period of slightly more than two standard days. Recording the day of the week eliminates the possibility of uncertainty about the day referred to. In addition, more precision can be had by indicating the degrees, minutes, and seconds of the position of the Sun and Moon.

Note that the positions of Sun and Moon, and the calendar notations of these, are the same at a given time no matter where you are standing on Earth, but your time zone offset amount will be a factor in calculating the current positions of the Sun and Moon.


The planetary assignment of days of the week and the tracking of the sun and moon through the zodiac all tap into a great wealth of symbolism. Events may be scheduled according to their symbolic relevance: for example, the installation of a lodgemaster on Dies Jovii (the day of Jupiter).


The following are examples of accepted ways to record the same Thelemic date, beginning with the most precise.


The Thelemic Calendar begins in 1904 e.v., the year in which Aleister Crowley received The Book of the Law and inaugurated the New Aeon.

Thelemic New Year

Each Thelemic year starts on the northern-hemisphere Vernal Equinox, coinciding with the Thelemic Holiday called The Feast for the Equinox of the Gods, often observed on March 20th of the common calendar.

See also: Thelemic Holidays : Thelemic New Year


To simplify the explanation, this description will make use of the term "docosade," meaning a period of twenty-two years.

Thelemic years are counted in a modular fashion, by twenty-two, in Roman numerals. For example, this entry was written in the year IV:xii.

Each number in the pair counts from zero to twenty-one. Traditionally the non-zero numbers are written in Roman numerals with docosades written in capitals, and years written in lowercase. Other forms include separating the numbers with a colon, or writing one in Roman numerals and the other in Arabic numerals, or both in Arabic numerals.

The number of the year is predeeded by the term "Anno," meaning year, and/or it may be followed by "e.n." This is an abbreviation of the Latin phrase, era novis, or "new era."


By apparent design, the twenty-two modulus corresponds to the number of Trumps in the Tarot. Many Thelemites take note of this correspondence by explicitly associating the year, and the docosade, to a Tarot Trump. For example, Anno IV:xii could be referred to as "The docosade of The Emperor, and the year of The Hanged Man."

Although a period of 22 years is not a common method of reckoning time, it does coincide with the sunspot cycles of our solar system. These cycles occur in pairs of increased and decreased sunspot activity, lasting roughly eleven years each.

See also: Thelemic Holidays


The following are examples of accepted ways to record the Thelemic year, given the common date shown.

Other Considerations

Common Calendar Notation

When giving dates in the common calendar, Thelemites will often append "e.v." This is an abbreviation of the Latin phrase era vulgaris, or "common era."


While the term "docosade" has been recently in use, it remains to be seen what term will be used for the period of twenty-two docosades, i.e., 484 years. One possible name for this period would be "docosazenzicade," the roots of which break down to "twenty-two squared."

Notation after the First Docosazenzicade

Presumably, after 484 years, year notation would follow typical modulus counting method by simply adding another number on the left side of the notation. e.g., Anno IV:III:ix for the year 3915 e.v.

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