About Thelemapedia

Thelemapedia is the original open-source encyclopedia of Thelema. Articles on Thelemapedia represent a wide range of interests, with a focus on the magick and philosophy of Aleister Crowley. Here at Thelemapedia, you can find articles on Thelema, magick, ritual, OTO, astrology, Book of the Law, godforms, and more.
Our goal is to make Thelemapedia the single best, most comprehensive source of information on Thelema.

All original text in Thelemapedia, and most images and other content, is covered by the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL). Contributions remain the property of their creators, while the GFDL license ensures the content will remain freely distributable and reproducible. Images that are the property of Ordo Templi Orientis are displayed on Thelemapedia.org by permission, and are not covered by the GNU FDL. For a more complete explanation of the copyrights of Thelemapedia, please read the copyright article on Wikipedia.

From scarletwoman.org/thelemapedia:
Thelemapedia went live on September 18, 2004 with the goal of providing a single source of clear, unbiased information on topics relevant to Thelema and ceremonial magicians in general. The inspiration for this came from Wikipedia.org--an amazing open-source encyclopedia, which tries to present information from a neutral point of view. Thelemapedia is different in that the editorial policy provides for a general pro-Thelema POV, but otherwise tries to keep the information within the realm of the knowledge base and common knowledge. The benefit of this is for the end user--the person using the site can be confident that the information they are getting is accurate and accepted by the larger Thelemic community.

The other goal was to bring together the works of Aleister Crowley in one place and have it explained in a concise, organized way. As prolific as Crowley was, this has been no small challenge. In fact, we have hardly made a dent. But with the continued hard work of our editors, Thelemapedia will be able to say that we are truly the single best source of information about the works of Aleister Crowley, Thelema, and magick.

Thelemapedia is hosted by Scarlet Woman Lodge, a chartered local body of Ordo Templi Orientis, as part of their Scarlet Woman Publications Project. However, the site is mostly run by its editors, many of whom are not members of OTO. Our editorial policy is non-ideological (excepting that it is generally pro-Thelema and magick, of course), and we encourage multiple voices in the creation of our articles.

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The name "Thelemapedia" is a trademark of Scarlet Woman Lodge, Ordo Templi Orientis.
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Thelemapedia is the encyclopedia for Thelema, magick, Aleister Crowley, astrology, qabalah, ritual, & more