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Isopsephy (iso meaning "equal" and psephos meaning "pebble") is the Greek word for the practice of adding up the number values of the letters in a word to form a single number. The early Greeks used pebbles arranged in patterns to learn arithmetic and geometry. A Greek synonym for the word "pebbles" is kalkuli and is the origin of the word "calculate."

Table of contents

Greek Numerals

The Greek alphabet doubles as the Greek numbering system.

Capitalized Letter Letter Value
Α α 1
Β β 2
Γ γ 3
Δ δ 4
Ε ε 5
Ϝ ϝ 6
Ζ ζ 7
Η η 8
Θ θ 9
Ι ι 10
Κ κ 20
Λ λ 30
Μ μ 40
Ν ν 50
Ξ ξ 60
Ο ο 70
Π π 80
Ϟ ϟ 90
Ρ ρ 100
Σ σ 200
Τ τ 300
Υ υ 400
Φ φ 500
Χ χ 600
Ψ ψ 700
Ω ω 800
Ϡ ϡ 900

See also


Wikipedia (2005). Isopsephy ( Retrieved March 9, 2005 EV

External links

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This page has been accessed 27769 times. This page was last modified 15:52, 8 Aug 2005. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2.

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