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Thelemapedia:Power structure

From Thelemapedia

The power structure of Thelemapedia has three main areas of power: content, policy, and function.

Table of contents


Content refers to Thelemapedia articles. With almost no exceptions, every single member of Thelemapedia has equal editorial power within this domain. As long as content fits within site policy, no editor has any more authority than any other editor. This means that articles should result from the process of consensus building. Sometimes, only one or two people work on an article, and little consensus-building is needed. When several editors are working on a page, some disagreement becomes likely. In such cases, disagreements should be solved with polite discussion (although this is more of a guideline than a policy...sometimes it is better to go ahead and edit. Just use your common sense to know the difference and please be polite). Just remember the golden rule: the object is to create a great encyclopedia article, not to win arguments or force a belief into the site.

When it comes to editorial policy that guides content, pretty much all Thelemapedia rules and guidelines fall under the Primary Editorial Principles:

  1. Articles should be sympathetic with the principles, culture, practices, and beliefs of Thelema whenever possible.
  2. Articles should promote clarity, accuracy, and the will to inform without distortion or fabrication.
  3. Articles should reflect knowledge that is generally accepted in the Thelemic community, drawing from expert sources or common knowledge.

See also: Thelemapedia Editorial Policy | Common Sources and Citing guidelines


Policy refers to the overall conceptual parameters and objectives of Thelemapedia and the rules and guidelines developed to manifest them. Stewards are Thelemapedians who have "administrator" rights. Their primary responsibility is to care for the welfare and integrity of the site. Editorially, they have no more authority than any other site member, and are equally bound to Thelemapedia editorial policies. At the same time, they do have special security privileges which they use to enforce policy when necessary. For example, they have the ability to protect and delete pages, block and ban users, and delete obvious vandalism. More than that, they are available for dispute mediation and as a source of assistance, essentially providing guidance and leadership within the Thelemapedia community. (See: List of Stewards, which are technically called Admins).

Since Thelemapedia is a project of Ordo Templi Orientis, there are those who are in a position to make certain high level decisions. The Thelemapedia Managing Director & Editor-in-Chief is Fr. Omega, who may institute changes when content or policies might interfere with Lodge policy, Order policy or general wellbeing. He reports directly to the Lodgemaster of Scarlet Woman Lodge and the Grand Master of U.S. Grand Lodge.


Function refers to the general mechanics of the site. This includes code, visual design, wiki functionality, and all elements that affect the general user experience (such as the design of the main page, promotional efforts, etc.). The site is hosted on a server by Fr. Omega, who donates his time and expertise in server maintenance.

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This page has been accessed 12748 times. This page was last modified 06:14, 21 Oct 2017. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2.

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